App Features

  • General Tasks

  • Improve UI/UX


    FIX and modify the issues with user interface and make the website more responsive Fix bugs

  • User Profile

    Nov 27, 2023 - Dec 4, 2023


    Users create detailed profiles, listing skills, experiences, and projects. The system generates a portfolio website displaying this information. Features include the ability to receive and assign star ratings, creating an interactive professional community. Users can update their profiles anytime, ensuring their latest achievements are always showcased. The portfolio website is designed to be visually appealing, user-friendly, and accessible on various devices

  • Project Management

    Dec 9, 2022 - Jan 30, 2024


    Users can initiate new projects, defining key details like name, objectives, technology stack, and timelines. Projects can be set as public, allowing open collaboration; by request, where users apply to join; or private, restricting access. The platform enables project detail editing and updates, ensuring all information remains current. Users can view a list of all their projects, access specific project details, and manage project visibility settings.

  • Task Management

    Jan 31, 2024 - Mar 8, 2024


    Within this feature, users can add, organize, and track tasks for each project. It supports creating tasks with titles, descriptions, priorities, and deadlines. A kanban board visualizes task progress, allowing users to drag and drop tasks across different stages. Users can assign tasks to team members, set reminders, and update task statuses. The board provides an overview of project progress and individual task details.

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Facilitates efficient project tracking and team collaboration, enhancing productivity in one hub.

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